Community news
Rotary tackling mental health issues head on

A LOXTON service club is aiming to increase awareness about mental health issues, one sporting club at a time.
The Rotary Club of Loxton held a dinner earlier this month, inviting local sporting club representatives to hear first-hand from two mental health awareness speakers.
Rotary Club of Loxton president Jenny Mills said the Bringing Communities Together project is about raising awareness of mental health issues and getting groups together in a familiar environment.
“It’s a grassroots approach to support the community,” she said.
“Local sporting clubs will drive the activities as required by their respective groups.”
Local mental health advocate Suzi Evans and Breakthrough Mental Health Research Foundation executive director John Mannion spoke at the dinner.
“We know that we lose nine Australians every day to suicide,” Mr Mannion said.
“Why in the mental health world do we never talk about a cure?
“Our illness doesn’t have to define who we are and it certainly doesn’t have to stop us doing things.”
Following on from the recent dinner with club representatives, a series of mental health awareness events will be held with sporting clubs.
Last night, the Rotary Club of Loxton held a family social event in conjunction with the Loxton hockey, soccer, netball and football clubs.
“Project activities will be awareness programs driven by stakeholders,” Mrs Mills said.
“Rotary will support these groups financially in their various planned activities.”

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