Community news
Loxton Waikerie adds $800k in projects

SEVERAL Federal Government-funded projects have been given the green light from elected members at a Riverland council.
District Council of Loxton Waikerie councillors voted to endorse a range of projects, including creating sealed paths on Snake Island at Loxton, mountain bike tracks in Ramco and Loxton, and replacing the public toilets at Packard Bend in Loxton.
All projects will be covered by an $859,096 allocation council received from the Federal Government through the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program (LRCIP).
Council is also seeking funding through the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing for the new paths and mountain bike tracks, plus new pump tracks for the Waikerie and Loxton river fronts.
At council’s monthly meeting, Cr Clive Matthews asked council CEO David Beaton why the funding had been mostly allocated to projects in Loxton and Waikerie, instead of spreading the funding across the district.
In response, Mr Beaton said it would be “harder to administer many small projects”, with projects in other towns able to be covered within council’s normal budget.
Deputy mayor Cr Trevor Norton expressed support for any leftover funding to be put towards upgrading and maintaining local roads.


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